Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Thursday #1

Happy Thursday Everyone! I am so happy tomorrow is finally Friday! I am sorry that I could not post yesterday, but I was busy at work and could not find the time, my apologies. Unfortunately I have come down with a cold. Last Friday I started getting a headache/migraine which lasted all weekend long. I thought it would go away eventually if I did all the right things. Drank tons of water and tea and ate really healthy, unfortunately it stuck around and now it's manifested itself into an ugly cold. I have too much going on at work lately and can't take any time off, so I am stuck in the office until this weekend. I plan on resting a lot throughout the weekend and taking care of myself. Sometimes are bodies tell us that they need some downtime, it is quite unfortunate considering I just started this fitness blog. I hate missing my fitness routines but with this cold, I don't think I would last 10 minutes on a treadmill. 

Yesterday I had a dental appointment. I have not had my teeth cleaned or examined in years so I figured I better make an appointment and stick to my "healthy" year goals. After all the hectic stuff that happened in the first half of this year, Cody and I decided that we would make the rest of this year our "healthy" year. A time for us to take care of ourselves and stop putting off dental and doctor appointments. It feels so amazing to be in charge of your own health. I am actually really proud of myself for sticking to these goals, even though I typically avoid the dentist at all costs. All those tools they use look like something from the medical torture era. In all honesty, it felt good to know that I was in charge of my health and making the right decisions toward a brighter future. Turns out, I only have 2 cavities. I made another appointment for November 2nd to get them both drilled. I am so proud of myself for accomplishing all of my healthy year goals before the end of 2011! I strongly urge you to think about setting a goal and deadline for your healthy year. Being in charge of your own health is so empowering!

The dentist appointment took a little longer then I thought and I did not get home until 6. I headed upstairs to take a long hot shower and wash away the stress of the day. Then I decided to do my first Samhain oracle spread. I know, it's not Samhain yet, but I have 5 oracle spreads that I want to do. One for each week of October! The final oracle spread will be done on Samhain. When I am sick or suffering from an injury, I try to focus on other positive things in my life instead of getting bummed that I can't be in a Yoga class. I am extremely grateful that I have discovered this spirituality and it was nice to spend some time beside my altar last night.

My game plan is to get lots of rest this weekend and hopefully be back on my feet next week! Sometimes when we are sick, the best thing to do is rest and relax so that our body can fully recover. I am a little bummed that I won't be able to meet my goals this week, but I have to listen to my body and it's signals.

Those of you who already know me know that I love to read. I have recently been reading some poetry books. I just had this calling to go to the library on lunch yesterday and pick out some poetry books. I love all types of poetry and it always fills my heart with joy to read it. I am really fascinated with Rumi right now, one of my Yoga instructors turned me on to him and I love the magic in his words. So I thought in the spirit of poetry I would share a few of his works with you. In another poetry book I am reading, my eyes devoured in delight...the poem I share with you below.

"These words a drop,
From love's infinite ocean.
To the world,
thirst-quenching nectar.
To the soul, everlasting live."  

"Without love, there will be no joy and no festivity in the world.
Without love, there will be no true living and no harmony.
If a hundred raindrops pour down from the clouds to the sea,
without love's doing, a pearl will not form in the deepest waters."

"Of the games of this evolving world, don't be afraid.
Of what is coming to you, whatever your fortune, don't be afraid.
Make the most of this single breath called life.
Don't think of what is gone, and of the future don't be afraid."

Her Kind
By: Anne Sexton

"I have gone out, a possessed witch,
haunting the black air, braver at night;
dreaming evil, I have done my hitch,
over the plain houses, light by light:
lonely thing, twelve-fingered, out of mind.
A woman like that is not a woman, quite.
I have been her kind.

 I have found the warm caves in the woods,
filled them with skillets, carvings, shelves,
closets, silks, innumerable goods;
fixed the suppers for the worms and the elves:
whining, rearranging the disaligned.
A woman like that is misunderstood.
I have been her kind.

I have ridden in your cart, driver,
waved my nude arms at villages going by,
learning the last bright routes, survivor,
where your flames still bite my thing 
and my ribs crack where your wheels wind.
A woman like that is not ashamed to die.
I have been her kind." 

 My Samhain Oracle Spread Last Night.
 My Samhain Altar.
Our Samhain Tree (on the dinner table).

All of my Love,
Jenn Embers
(Fitness Witch)

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